Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Planning & Development
country road

Planning Division

We assist Dane County residents, communities and decision-makers in addressing short-range and long-range comprehensive planning issues related to community and regional development, transportation, environmental resources, community services, housing, and economic development. Provide technical assistance to the County on corporate planning, and assist in the coordination of programs.


Various planning concepts and planning processes are ongoing in Dane County all the time.  The following links are for the continued communnity input or implementation of the existing county or local plans. Which topic would you like to learn more about?

Dane County Comprehensive Plan


A County Planning framework linking Dane County Zoning and Town Comprehensive Planning

Broadband Expansion


Learn more about Dane County’s efforts to connect all residents to affordable, high-speed broadband internet.

Farmland Preservation Plan


The Farmland Preservation Plan makes farmers eligible for state benefits under the Working Lands Initiative, including income tax credits.

Dane County Housing


See the many plans and policies related to housing in Dane County.

Transfer of Development Rights


TDR can help farmers sell the right to build without selling any tillable land.

Planning Viewer - Online Map


Online map showing property and features that may re-direct development.


Density Study Application

View Application

Finding out your development potential. Figuring out how Town rules and County Ordinance can define development potential.  More information HERE

Land Uses in each Zoning District


Look up a land use and see which Dane County zoning districts may allow for it.