Planning & Development

Issues and Opportunities and Background Data Toolkit

The toolkit would develop an organizational template for this information including online sources and information available to every community that would satisfy the state requirements.  The toolkit would make the process locally repeatable and available to be linked to Town/County plans and websites.  The toolkit would include tabular and graphic displays of data and contained in a secondary planning document and/or websites (from sources to available county GIS data).


WIDOA Tables and Links


Source Link Applied Population Lab Filter
Population Forecasts MCD and Municipal Population Projections, 2010-2040  
Household Forecasts    Household Projections for Wisconsin Municipalities: 2010-2040  


Census Tables and Links 

Demographic Trends 
P1: Race Population by Race and Ethnicity
Age Distribution  S1010: Age and Sex Population by Age and Sex
Education Levels  S1501:Educational Attainment Educational Attainment (for Population 25 Years and Over)
Income Levels  S1901: Income in the past 12 months
S1903: Median Income in the past 12 months
Household Income Distribution
Median Income for Households and Families
Employment Characteristics  S2405: Industry By Occupation For The Civilian Employed Population 16 Years And Over Employment by Industry


How to use the links.