Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Planning & Development

Property Listing

Property listers are responsible for detailed and accurate mapping of the ownership boundaries of lots and parcels, as well as maintaining the tax parcel identification numbering system.  The work requires a deep understanding of the Public Land Survey System, geometry, and legal instruments. 

  • A rural landscape with a barn, a silo, a fence and a driveway
  • Additional information on property listing is provided on our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you don't see your question listed, please contact our staff.

Current Projects

  • Annual property assessment & tax rolls
  • Ownership transfers
  • Ongoing parcel mapping
  • Condominium Review

Staff and Contact Information

Peggy Llontop

Land Records Review Analyst

Phone: 608-266-4120

Barbara Szilagyi

Land Records Review Analyst

Phone: 608-267-3529

Joel Heiman

Land Records Review Specialist

Phone: 608-261-9957

Melissa Roman

Land Records Review Technician

Phone: 608-261-9957

Property Listing

General Inquiry

Phone: 608-266-4266
Fax: 608-267-1540